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「VOICE」3言語エムカード (Music Card) Q&Aビデオ付

英語圏のみならず海外で絶大な人気を誇り、日本でも「MONSTER」やGigaとのコラボ楽曲で認知度を確固たるものとしたボカロPであるKIRAの書き下ろし楽曲。人が持つ多様性を受け入れて互いを尊敬できることの大切さを裏テーマとしながらも、これまでのTacitlyのイメージをいい意味で裏切るダークポップの切ない曲に仕上がっている。 This song was written by KIRA, a vocaloid P who is extremely popular not only in European countries but also in many other countries. KIRA has solid recognition in Japan for the song of "MONSTER" and the collaboration songs with Giga. The implicit theme of this song is trying convey the importance of accepting the diversity of people and being able to respect each other. This is a dark pop sad song that in a good way has subverted Tacitly’s image they had heretofore. *LiliaとCielのQ&Aビデオ付き! *Lilia and Ciel’s Q&A video included 【仕様】 Specification 85.6mm × 54mm × 0.25mm (PET) 【曲名】 VOICE 作詞/作曲:Kira 訳詞:Kira VOICE Song/Lyrics: Kira 発送時期:7月中旬から順次発送させていただきます。 Estimated delivery date: Mid-July

英語圏のみならず海外で絶大な人気を誇り、日本でも「MONSTER」やGigaとのコラボ楽曲で認知度を確固たるものとしたボカロPであるKIRAの書き下ろし楽曲。人が持つ多様性を受け入れて互いを尊敬できることの大切さを裏テーマとしながらも、これまでのTacitlyのイメージをいい意味で裏切るダークポップの切ない曲に仕上がっている。 This song was written by KIRA, a vocaloid P who is extremely popular not only in European countries but also in many other countries. KIRA has solid recognition in Japan for the song of "MONSTER" and the collaboration songs with Giga. The implicit theme of this song is trying convey the importance of accepting the diversity of people and being able to respect each other. This is a dark pop sad song that in a good way has subverted Tacitly’s image they had heretofore. *LiliaとCielのQ&Aビデオ付き! *Lilia and Ciel’s Q&A video included 【仕様】 Specification 85.6mm × 54mm × 0.25mm (PET) 【曲名】 VOICE 作詞/作曲:Kira 訳詞:Kira VOICE Song/Lyrics: Kira 発送時期:7月中旬から順次発送させていただきます。 Estimated delivery date: Mid-July